Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy birthday anyways

My older brother would be 29 today. It still seems crazy he didn't make it past 11. And now that I have done so much more then he ever did. I wonder everyday how my life would be different then it is today had he not choose to leave? I wonder what he would look like? If he would have kids? A wife? If we would be close like we were when we were little? My life will never feel complete because he is missing..!!! Christopher you are forever and always loved, missed and thought of and today will always be your day!!!

Today is tougher then yesterday 
It gets worse every year
Today I would love nothing more 
Then to have you near

At 11 you made a life decision 
You could never rethink 
You didn't consider all the people 
All the lives you would also changed in a blink

We talked about you vaguely
Just enough to not cry
Today you would be 29 
And we can't even say hi!

Mom tears up 
And I hold back
I wait till the dark 
Then self control I lack 

People said it will get easier 
But they for sure lied
Because the truth is 
It never gets easier saying good-bye

Today saddens my heart
My brother you will always be 
You should be blown out candles
You should be with me

I'll you forever
I'll miss you for always