Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dear First Born Favorite!

As I sit here thinking, Abbie is sitting next to me watching Friends. She loves all the classic shows from “my time” which means I get to see them again and I LOVE it. However, I was in a music mood, so with my headphones securely placed in my ears,  just enough to also hear if any fighting begins, I surrendered to my thoughts hoping to find some new favorites. Then it happened, words started flowing into my mind like a magical waterfall pooling at the bottom waiting to be put together; and to think it all started with a song.

My Sweet-Abigail,

I am not sure when you will read this, or if you will, but if you do, read it well. The words sitting and waiting to be put together were meant for you that night. My dream for you is for you to one day look in the mirror and see yourself as I see you. Although, despite what you might think, I am not “that old” so I remember your age well and I know it is hard to see yourself through others' eyes. Allow me to help you just a little because you are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You are an amazing, intelligent, loving, kind-spirited, hard-working and one of the highest goal-setting PEOPLE, I have ever known. You have dreams in life and there is nothing you will allow to stand in the way of reaching them. That takes so much dedication at such a young age. You are the most loyal friend I have ever seen. (People your age are seriously missing out on your friendship.) I really wish I could be your best friend right now, I hope you know that. However, right now that is not my job. Not to mention I would be robbing you of having a mom and someone else of the most perfect friend. (The right one will come, I promise.)  I just hope later in life, I am worthy of that friend slot and that you understand why I say this. Now how about we move onto less serious stuff and into the world of music!

    As I sat there on youtube, I know what you’re thinking, “YIKES, mom was on Youtube, this blog is NEVER going to end”, but it will because I set myself a limit. (It just took a little longer to write because you know, one song always leads to another and so on.)  Anyways, a song came on that made me stop, listen and play it again. I had never heard it before, though I knew it would become one we would be listening to likely louder than we should. I hope you remember it as the years go on as well.

When you’re lost down the river bed, I’ll be there,
When you’re lost in the darkness, I’ll be there,
I’ll be there when your heart is breaking
You’ll never be alone, I’ll be there for you
I’ll be there, I’ll be there for you

Abbie you are learning things are not always easy in this crazy thing called life. You will grow up and one day leaves home. Life is full of changes and they happen all at the same time. Some will be good and some bad. However,  there is one that will remain the same forever; I will always be there for you! Never be afraid to call or come home. 

    Next, The Greatest Showman is a movie I can not say for sure I would have seen on my own simply because I had no idea what it was about. I am glad you forced it upon me after the youth group. It is one amazing, must-see movie, which leads me to my next song pick for you.

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me
Look out 'cause here I come

As the strong-willed person you are, people will try to make you break you. There will be things people say or do that get to you. Times where you start to doubt and begin to second guess yourself, possibly even who you are. I have one word for you, DON'T! You are exactly who you are meant to be!

    You could be feeling happy, sad, mad, angry or a mix of every emotion we have and you really can’t go wrong with this man. He just helps with feelings and if he isn’t doing the trick his band will! It was hard to pick one song from him, but this song has always stuck out to me in many ways. I also picked two different parts of the songs to put here, but I really hope you will listen to it.

Didn't I tell you, you were gonna break down?
Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you?
Better take it easy
Try to find a way out

We build it up, we tear it down
We leave our pieces on the ground
We see no end, we don't know how
We are lost and we're falling

I’ve listened to this song at different times in my own life and it helped in different ways. It is one I think you should have on your playlist at all times and the lyrics printed out to remember. Dark times will come into your life, they are just a part of it. I have learned as I have gotten older, it is important to take care of yourself. You have to learn how to take care of Abbie. Breakdowns are part of… well being a product of me maybe, but how you handle them matters. Let your pieces fall, there are always problems and issues but deal with them because they only build up inside.

    To end I picked a newer song, but a song I just loved. You will meet a million people over the coming years. Some will be real and some fake. This is a reminder of what is needed for any relationship to be strong and really work. Remember friendship is something you can not force, it just has to be a……..

Maybe I should try to find the old me
Take me to the places and the people that know me
If there are so many people here, then why am I so lonely?
Real friends, good friends are hard to find, let's face it

With so much technology and faces glued to all the screens, it must be even harder to make real friends these days. Remember to always put the time in with the people you care about and the ones you want to know. Ask questions to get to know many people and make those true connections.

I have many more songs, so there might be a follow up to the in a year or two! As rough times come its always a good time for a song lesson. I love you so much my oldest favorite.

Love you forever and always....... 
          Your momma

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Never the Same

     I have been thinking about how to write this for a few months, but the thought of it also makes me sad so I just haven't wanted to. I must be very careful with what I share, while also getting my thoughts out, because honestly crying in the shower is starting to ruin my showers now!! And thats my alone time!!!!

     Life is complicated, but I had no idea how complicated it could get until it did! Sometimes things happen in life and we never understand why. Things that all we want and desire are answers for why they happened. That's what my life has been like for the past 7 years with little miss Charlotte, but in May, she was really put though the ringer. She was in situations that were unexpected and unknown to me. So even I didn't have the words to soothe her because I couldn't understand or wrap my head around what was was taking place. I later found out we came very close to losing her she was sick!

     A basic run down, in 2 weeks and 6 days Charlotte had 4 surgeries. Not going into to much detail out of respect for her, I will say things got very serious, very fast. There were complications that everyone, including doctors were not prepared for taking place. These were the cause of some of the surgeries and why she later went back for a fifth surgery.

     Everything started in mid May, with a simple fall! Now her life has changed forever. She didn't finish 1st grade because she was not cleared to go back to school until this fall.  So she just jumped into 2nd grade and that is something that she isn't mentally ready for. I hate hearing her cry because she doesn't understand it, can't do it as fast as everyone else or is tired and just to sleep. It is heart breaking. It is something she is having to face now and she knows she is different.

     When I finally just sit and think about everything, all that she has went though, all 20 surgeries, and everything thats happened this past May, I don't understand why. I have seen her go things I wouldn't wish on anyone, watched her push through pain no one should ever have to go through and she's seven. Then I watch her with daily struggles also, and now have a whole new set of worries. Life will NEVER be the same after this. No headache, stomach flu or infection doesn't raise a red flag now. That is so scary to come to the admit!

     I feel sad for the older girls also. Sad that this is their normal. That having their little sister go from an appointment and then into an unknown surgery is "normal" to them. Having her not complete school and having to be the ones to explain to class mates that she's just "not there". Then having her come home a very different person then she had left and having to just accept this because there are really no answers, is all really just another day to them and normal life. This makes me both sad and very proud of them as humans. They handled everything very well and I am lucky to have such exceptional girls. They never have asked what happened, not for the full answers, maybe they can tell I'm not ready to handle giving them. However, they knew something happened to her and life and she would never be the same.

     This is the journey we have been given to navigate through and the way I see it, we have no other options but to proceed through life and carry on. So as Charlotte says, we must remember to "Smile just because" and maybe that will make the sad days shine a little brighter.