Friday, September 6, 2013

Unlikely Friendship

     Good friends are hard to come by, so when you meet someone you click with, you should try to keep them around. As long as after the honey-moon phase of the friendship, you still click. Sometimes these people are the most unlikely people possible. However much like the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover", I have learned you can't just a person by the situation. 
     I have a best friend. She is someone who gets me through more rough patches in life I ever thought I would have. She is an amazing mother, wife, friend and soul. If her husband hadn't of asked her to marry him, I may have asked her. I still say we should all live in a huge house, raise our kids and have one big happy family, on land, with dogs, horses a few cats and live stock. (I haven't thought about this or anything right) We just click and have from the first day we met.
     We are not childhood friends, we did not go to any of the same schools, and we did not have any "friends" in common. Crazy right. In fact when when we tell the story on how we did meet, most people response is "and you guys are friends after that?". With this, I believe we both respond with "not just friends, BEST friends".  
     I was 22 when we met she was close to turning 19. Not to bad of an age difference, for us anyway. I will now tell you the unique story on how we, two almost creepy status alike girls met.... The year was 2007. Month December. My ex fiancé and I had been "working" on things since July. I was over there a lot so thought things were going well. What can I say, I was dumb and he is a player. 
    It all started with good old MySpace..!! That's right this was back in the day before Facebook was the social media site of choice. Things had started changing between my ex and I and I had that gut feeling, "I'm being played", so I turned on my snoopy switch and went to town. Given he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, it wasn't hard to figure out and she wasn't hard to find. When I confronted him he gave the lame excuse that he didn't know how to tell me. (Seriously A: stop having sex with me B: Stop inviting me to hang out and C: fucking tell me....not hard guys, not hard) This was not the first time he cheated ( Shame on me I know) so I knew the game well with him. Her name was Kristin. I vividly remember looking through her pictures a bit annoyed because she was pretty, liked the same things as me, we had the same style and both were "plain". I was freaking pissed because I didn't fully hate her just by looking at her. 
     So at this point I did what any rational girl heart broken girl would do.... I searched her page and looked for someone to contact so she knew he was also playing her. I felt like she should at least know the whole story, because I knew he left out the part he was still seeing me. I found one girl in most of her pictures that didn't have the same last name, (contacting family felt weird) wrote a message... And I fastly got a response. 
     According to her friend they were never really dating, she had been avoiding his calls for a few weeks because she was over him and he was to boring. I didn't understand this till I found out her age. She was18 years old, he was 32. YIIICCCKKKKSSSSSS..... She was a baby... Well after all this I met her friend and we got along hanging out often. What can I say we liked drinking, both worked weird hours and we clicked. About a month later I was talked into meeting Kristin. The rest is history.
     We more then clicked. We have the same corky habits, like, rubbing our feet together a certain way when tired, the way we say certain words with T's and I's (kit-tin, cur-tin, but-ton, you get the idea) same body frame and we even both smile and giggle when nervous or are in trouble. It was hella weird. But I LOVED her.

     As years went by our friendship was always there, but in the past 3 years it has gotten stronger then anything I thought possible. I mean seriously she was the other woman, how close can you get? Her and I live 10 hours away from each other and talk daily. I love her kids and she loves mine. We do not have the same views and opinions on everything, but we accept the difference respect each other and leave well enough alone. She knows every detail about my life, good, bad, sad, tragic, confusing, happy, exiting and disappointments. She knows what I'm thinking before I say it. She accepts my faults without trying to change me. She's my best friend. 
     I never really thought I would be in anyone's wedding,  my friends all have sisters and I know sisters come first in weddings as they should, but I was in hers and proud to stand up there with her sisters. I have gained a support system from her family, and they also accept and trust me. I tell them what I think, even if they don't want to hear it, (she knows who I am talking about) her mom is a kind soul who raised three amazing girls I wouldn't trade them for the world. 

     We recently decided to get tattoos, a week before her wedding, the day of her bachelorette party and visible for all her wedding pictures. (We managed to make a few people upset with this decision)    We realized shortly after, in the past 6 years we have never really been in a fight, let's hope we don't get in one now with these life long tattoos. 

                     "EHFAR" "Everything Happens For A Reason" 

     Thing is I didn't marry this guy I was so heart broke over, I didn't have my happy ever after with him. And I have learned sometimes people come in your life for a reason you don't see at the time. His purpose for me was to bring me my best friend. To give me someone who would never hurt me, someone who understands me, accepts me, loves me and knows my value.... That clearly wasn't him. He first brought me her, then her family and now I have all these wonderful people surrounding me. 

     Everything happens for a reason, even when you can't see it at the time.  So Kristin, thank you for being the scandalous other woman, thanks for not being the typical bitch when you found out and thanks for realizing he was a d-bag and I was awesome. Thank you for loving me and bringing me into your life and everyone's life around you.... You are now and always will me best friend, no matter what....



  1. I think that it is awesome that you two became best friends... my best friend in David, even though we didn't become best friends until 2011... we have known each other since 1978... He knows everything there is to know about me... secrets I held in for 35 years and still he loves me and although we are only friends... we are best friends. I never want that to change ever... Great post Savannah :)

    1. Launna,
      I wouldn't trade her friendship for anything. She's loves me at my best, handles me at my worst and catches my tears even thousands of miles away. I plan to never take our friendship for granted and I hope I am half the friend to her as she is to me...!!!

  2. That's awesome that you found a best friend from that whole situation. You are such a strong woman who deserves the best types of people around you. It's kind of funny that you and I pretty much met in the same way haha, except it was with Dusty and I wasn't actually the "other woman."
    I really liked this post!

  3. I'm so happy that you were able to turn a bad situation into a great one. I'm glad that even though you lost a relationship you were able to gain a life long friend.

  4. Well I'm thankful I got lucky enough to have a friend like her...!!

  5. You have way with words!
